
Reference Books of Journalism Study

信息來源:本站原創 發布日期:2013-05-01

Reference Books of Journalism Study


Unit 1 Define journalism

1. Journalism by Joe Sacco (Jun 19, 2012)

2. Journalistic Writing: Building the Skills, Honing the Craft by Robert M. Knight (May 1, 2010)

3. The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect, Completely Updated and Revised... by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel (Apr 24, 2007)

4. Journalism Next: A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing, 2nd Edition by Mark Briggs (Oct 23, 2012)

5. Journalism: Who, What, When, Where, Why, And How by James G. Stovall (Nov 8, 2004)


Unit 2 Normative theories of media

Four theories of the press by Fred S. Siebert, Theodore, Wilbur Schramm in 1956

Beyond the Four Theories of the Press: A New Model of National Media Systems. By Jennifer Ostini

3. Normative Theories of the Media: Journalism in Democratic Societies (History of Communication) by Clifford G Christians, Theodore Glasser, Denis McQuail and Kaarle Nordenstreng (Jun 16, 2009)

4. A Normative Theory of the Information Society (Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society) by Alistair S. Duff (Nov 28, 2011)

McQuail's Mass Communication Theory by Denis McQuail (Mar 12, 2010)

5. Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and Future (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism... by Stanley J. Baran and Dennis K. Davis (Jan 1, 2011)


Unit 3 Education of journalism

1. Journalism Education, Training and Employment (Routledge Research in Journalism) by Bob Franklin and Donica Mensing (Dec 9, 2010)

2. Journalism Education in Countries with Limited Media Freedom (Mass Communication and Journalism) by Beate Josephi (May 8, 2010)

3. Journalism Education in Europe and North America: An International Comparison (The Hampton Press Communication... by Romy Frohlich and Christina Holtz-Bacha (Apr 2003)

4. Seeking Equity for Women in Journalism and Mass Communication Education: A 30-year Update (Routledge Communication... by Ramona R. Rush, Carol E. Oukrop and Pamela J. Creedon (May 29, 2004)


Unit 4 Convergence journalism

1. Jenkins, Henry (2006) Convergence Culture, New York University Press, New York.

2. Convergence Journalism: Writing and Reporting across the News Media by Janet Kolodzy (Jun 15, 2006)

3. Practicing Convergence Journalism: An Introduction to Cross-Media Storytelling by Janet Kolodzy (Aug 10, 2012)

4. Principles of Convergent Journalism by Jeffrey S. Wilkinson, August E. Grant and Douglas J. Fisher (Jun 15, 2012)


Unit 5 Is Newspaper Important?

1. The Vanishing Newspaper: Saving Journalism in the Information Age by Philip Meyer (Dec 21, 2006)

2. Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet by Asa Briggs and Peter Burke (Mar 16, 2010)

3. -30-: The Collapse of the Great American Newspaper by Charles M. Madigan (Sep 7, 2007)

4. Revolutions in Communication: Media History from Gutenberg to the Digital Age by Bill Kovarik (Jun 30, 2011)


Unit 6 The rise and fall of mass communications

1. Understanding Media: The Extensions of man, Marshall McLuhan, The MIT Press, 8th printing edition, 1991.

2. Mass Communication: Living in a Media World by Ralph E Hanson (Mar 2, 2010)

3. Media of Mass Communication (11th Edition) by John Vivian (Mar 16, 2012)

4. Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication by Richard Campbell, Christopher R. Martin and Bettina Fabos (Feb 23, 2011)

5. Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition by Joseph Dominick (Feb 24, 2010)

6. Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and Future (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism... by Stanley J. Baran and Dennis K. Davis (Jan 1, 2011)


Unit 7 Newspapers: more than writing news

1. Media Management: A Casebook Approach (Routledge Communication Series) by George Sylvie, Jan Wicks LeBlanc, C. Ann Hollifield and Stephen Lacy (Aug 31, 2007)

2. Strategic Management in the Media: Theory to Practice by Lucy Keung (Apr 18, 2008)

3. Strategic Newspaper Management by Conrad C. Fink (Sep 4, 1995)

4. Principles Of Newspaper Management by James E. Pollard (Nov 4, 2008)

5. Newspapers by James D. Brausch (Dec 14, 2007)

6. Surviving in the Newspaper Business: Newspaper Management in Turbulent Times by Jim Willis (Jul 12, 1988)


Unit 8 Comparative Journalism: Similarities and differences

1. Fred S. Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schramm, Four Theories of the Press.

2. Sally A. White, Reporting in Australia (The Macmillan Company of Australia Pty Ltd, South Melboure, 1991)

3. Osmo A. Wiio, "The Mass Media Role in the Western World" in L. John Martin and Anju Grover Chaudhary (eds.), Comparative Mass Media Systems

4. Xu Baohuang, Journalism (Journalism Association of Beijing University, Beijing, 1919).

5. Department of Journalism of Fudan University, An Introduction to Journalism (Fujian People’s Publishing House, Fuzhou, 1985)

6. Munir K. Nasser, "News values versus ideology: a third world perspective", in L. John Martin and Anju Grover Chaudhary, Comparative Mass Media Systems

7. Henry Mayer, "The Nature of News" in his The Press in Australia

8. Bill Bonney and Helen Wilson, Australia's Commercial Media


Unit 9 Modern Chinese press: origin and political history

1. Y. P. Wang, The Rise of the Native Press in China (Columbia University, New York, May 1924).

2. Roswell S. Britton, Chinese Periodical Press, 1800-1911 (Kelly and Walsh Limited, Shanghai, 1931).

3. Lee-hsia Hsu Ting, Government Control of the Press in Modern China 1900-1949 (East Asian 4. Research Centre, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 1972).

5. Adrian A. Bennett, Missionary Journalism in China: Young J. Allen and His Magazines: 1860-1883 (The University of Georgia Press, 1983).

6. Zhang Zhuangxin, "An Outline of Forty Years Journalism of the Establishment of the New China", in The Year Book of Chinese Journalism 1990 (Zhongguo xinwen nianjian 1990; Chinese Social Science Publishing House, Beijing, 1991)

7. John Avieson and Graeme Coddington, Comparative Journalism (Deakin University, Geelong, 1988)


Unit 10 Media Ethics and the Law

1. Media Law and Ethics (Routledge Communication Series) by Roy L. Moore and Michael D. Murray (Dec 16, 2011)

2. Media Ethics at Work: True Stories from Young Professionals by Lee Anne Peck and Guy S Reel (Sep 11, 2012)

3. Comparative Media Law and Ethics by Tim Crook (Jan 30, 2010)

4. Mass Media Law by Don Pember and Clay Calvert (Jan 13, 2010)

5. Major Principles of Media Law, 2013 Edition by Wayne Overbeck and Genelle Belmas (Aug 20, 2012)

6. The Law of Journalism and Mass Communication by Robert Trager, Joseph Russoman and Susan Dente Ross (Jul 11, 2011)

7. Media Ethics: Issues and Cases by Philip Patterson and Lee Wilkins (Jul 21, 2010)

8. Ethics in Media Communications: Cases and Controversies (with InfoTrac) by Louis A. Day (Mar 1, 2005)


Unit 11 Audience study

Relationships between media and audiences: Prospects for audience reception studies, by Sonia Livingstone

Audience research at the crossroads: the implied audience in media and cultural theory, by Sonia Livingstone

Uses and Gratifications Theory in the 21st Century, by Thomas E. Ruggiero

Audience and readership research, by Jenny Kitzinger

5. The Audience, The Message, The Speaker by John Hasling (Feb 2009)

6. Audience by Audience (Feb 14, 2005)

7. Audience, Relevance, and Search: Targeting Web Audiences with Relevant Content by James Mathewson, Frank Donatone and Cynthia Fishel (May 6, 2010)


Unit 12 Communication effects

A Theory of Media Politics: How the Interests of Politicians, Journalists, and Citizens Shape the News, By John Zaller.

How Knowledge Management Can Help Identify and Bridge Knowledge Gaps, By Joseph M. Firestone, Ph.D.

The alternate channel: how social media is challenging the spiral of silence theory in GLBT communities of color, by Shelly A. Neill.

Knowledge Society and the Knowledge Gap, by Hans-Dieter Evers

Mediating the message: theories of influences on mass media content, by Pamela J. Shoemaker Stephen D. Reese

The agenda-setting function of mass media, by Maxwell E. McCombs, Donald L. Shaw

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